Where is Thomas Aiken from?

Thomas Aiken is from Johannesburg, South Africa.

More about Thomas Aiken

Thomas Aiken was born on the 16th of July 1983 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Thomas was named the South African Amateur of the Year in 2001.

He turned professional in 2002 at the age of 19. He initially played on the Sunshine Tour, the main professional golf tour in South Africa, where he gained valuable experience and began to build his professional career.

Aiken achieved success on the Sunshine Tour early in his career. He secured several victories, showcasing his ability to compete and win at a professional level. His consistent performances on the Sunshine Tour helped him establish a solid foundation for his career.

Aiken earned his European Tour card in 2007 and began competing on the tour regularly. His breakthrough came in 2011 when he won his first European Tour event, the Open de España. This victory marked a significant milestone in his career and demonstrated his ability to compete against top international players.

Thomas Aiken won his first European Tour event, Open de España, in 2011. He also won the Avantha Masters in 2013 and the Africa Open in 2014.