Where is Takomo golf from?

Takomo Manufacturing Co Ltd, is based in Turku, Finland.

More about Takomo golf

Sebastian Haapahovi is CEO and Founder at Takomo Golf.

Takomo golf is a relatively new brand.

Takomo Golf was founded in 2020 by a group of golf enthusiasts and industry veterans. The founders aimed to create high-quality golf clubs that offered exceptional performance and value for money.

Takomo Golf launched its first line of products, which included irons and wedges, in 2021. The initial offerings received positive reviews for their performance, design, and affordability.

Takomo golf makes premium golf gear and sells them directly from the manufacturing line to the customer over the internet. They design their products to last over time and avoid fast product cycles.

By cutting out middlemen and selling directly to customers through their website, they could offer premium golf equipment at more competitive prices compared to traditional retail models.

The company focuses on combining advanced technology with innovative design. Their clubs are designed with input from professional golfers and engineers to ensure optimal performance. The company uses high-quality materials and manufacturing processes to produce clubs that meet the needs of golfers of all skill levels.

Despite being a new entrant in the market, Takomo Golf quickly gained a global customer base. Their products are shipped worldwide, and the brand has garnered a strong following among golfers who appreciate high-quality, affordable equipment.

Takomo Golf continues to expand its product line, introducing new clubs and accessories to meet the evolving needs of golfers. The company is also exploring partnerships and collaborations to further enhance its market presence.

Takomo golf clubs are manufactured in southeast Asia.