Where is J.J. Killeen from?

J.J. Killeen is from San Diego, California.

More about J.J. Killeen

Joseph James (J.J.) Killeen was born on the 22nd of October 1981 in San Diego, California.

J.J. Killeen went to Texas Christian University.

He turned pro in 2005.

He began his professional journey by competing in various mini-tours and lower-level professional circuits.

Killeen played on several mini-tours, including the Tight Lies Tour and the Gateway Tour, where he honed his competitive skills and gained valuable experience.

He joined the Nationwide Tour (now known as the Korn Ferry Tour) and made significant strides in his career.

J.J. Killeen won his first Nationwide Tour event, the Utah Championship, in 2011.

Some of his victories helped him finish first on the money list, earning him the Nationwide Tour Player of the Year honors and securing his PGA Tour card for the 2012 season.

Killeen played on the PGA Tour in 2012. While he didn’t achieve the same level of success as on the Nationwide Tour, he gained valuable experience competing at the highest level of professional golf.

After ending his touring career, he became a club professional out of the Northern Texas section of the PGA. He was one of twenty club pros to qualify for the 2023 PGA Championship.